

浪人鸭官网   未知 完整大小:30.8M   也很   不信   游戏介绍
浪人鸭 [lry] [英文硬盘版] [30.8M](动作冒险),【游戏介绍】这个开始画面太给力了,绝对的漂亮,游戏感觉也很不错,不信你试试。RoninDuckisanaction-adventuregameinspiredbyclassic3Daction-adventuregames,suchasTheLegendofZelda.Thegamefeaturesalonesamuraiduckthat 浪人鸭下载地址




Ronin Duck is an action-adventure game inspired by classic 3D action-adventure games, such as The Legend of Zelda. The game features a lone samurai duck that fights enemies and solves dungeon puzzles in order to save a small village from three greedy lords. The game utilizes a unique feature called Zen Mode to allow the user to activate ronin duck's superior skills to slow down time to battle enemies and interact with the environment. Ronin Duck's world is beautifully rendered through a graphics engine that supports custom shading styles, normal mapping, depth of field, and motion blur. Enemies come to life through the use of pathfinding and state machine AI.

浪人鸭英文硬盘版下载地址如下,在浪人鸭官网下载地址点右键,选使用迅雷下载即可免费下载。本站只支持使用迅雷下载游戏,如未安装迅雷,请先下载 迅雷精简版.exe[永不升级] 安装,然后关闭浏览器,再打开本网页在线下载。

完整版 30.8M